Jase & PJ is a radio show hosted by Jason Hawkins and Polly ‘PJ’ Harding on KISS 1011 radio network in Melbourne. The show ended last year but it still has that nostalgic effect on many of its listener’s minds. They are still forced to go back in time and remember those listening hours and feel extensively what it was like back then, how things have changed, and basically get lost in the chain of thought.
As you know New Zealand and Australia are neighboring countries so many of the show which runs in one country is also broadcasted in the other. And Jase & PJ although an Australian breakfast radio show was equally or even more popular in New Zealand. The show ended in 2021 and at the same time, even the host of the show Polly Harding relocated back to her home country New Zealand. Yup, you heard it right, she was from New Zealand. Now you know both these countries share so much in terms of culture, language, and beaches. The third one must’ve filled you with excitement. Don’t worry plan your next trip and visit the magnificent beaches of Australia and New Zealand.
Now I’d tell you a little bit about the hosts of the show or perhaps its history. Jason and Polly were called from New Zealand to Australia to host the show, previously they were quite loved and appreciated for their remarkable job at ZM Radio, on which they hosted a show named “Drive”. Jase had previously worked for other radio shows in the past. They bother were quite good at engaging the audience’s attention and the show had a great run, despite all the turmoils it had to go through.
Yup indeed, after COVID hit the world, it was painful for this show, as a bunch of people working for the show, had quit it for some reason, and eventually, Polly had to quit as well, and when she quit the radio show, it was basically an end to “JASE & PJ”. Although Jase is still a part of another radio show named “Jase & Lauren”, if you loved him, you can watch this show instead. Well, obviously you miss the past but sometimes it’s better to move on, and welcome new things in life. Expose yourself to the world in a safe way and live life as it presents you with new things to live, experience and feel.