This article, on our very own “Raju Ki Mummy” , was due yesterday. However instead of starting on my work after research I started binge watching “South Delhi Girls” and here I am, sleepy and late. However, the heart wants what it wants.
Statutory Warning : This is going to be a long article, because I am absolutely in awe of this sassy diva.
Dodging between, the struggle is real and my work is my biggest high Dolly Singh is one of the most versatile social media personalities in the circuit. She does not merely exist in social media, and her reach is not limited via the miracles of the internet.She is someone who inspires a lot of girls, not only for blogging but for simply believing in themselves. She is not only watched on youtube she is someone whose content is discussed and quoted.Her content is beyond any particular target audience or a certain demographic area, it is for everybody who are comfortable with high level sass.
She is probably one of the very few bloggers(and, I can literally count them on my fingers) who are not interested in the insights as long as their work makes an impact on their viewers. She has gone on record saying that she has never had any kind of insecurity about her career, only a few wake up calls here and there. She has always been really engrossed in her work rather than being worried about the followers and likes kinda stuff. However she was very happy, when she received a hamper from taco bell, (and we couldn’t relate more) !
Her blog truly reflects her passion, and is not only inspiration for someone who likes fashion or likes blogging and is for everyone out there who feels that only if “they had more resources”, it is for everyone who does not believe in dressing up by the rules and stereotyping styling by brand names.
If we ask her, inspiration is everywhere. And her recipe for success was to mix that inspiration with “Swaad-Anusar Sass”.