How to Boost Views on Your YouTube Channel??

As we all know, Google uses its search results algorithms for Google search, similarly, YouTube has its own algorithms which it uses to showcase the best and most appropriate videos to users.
Imagine giving a blind person the task of categorizing content by selecting the best one.

Wouldn’t that be difficult?

All thanks to the vast variety of factors in YouTube’s algorithm which makes it easier to decide which videos are the best and should top in its search results. To make your video rank naturally on YouTube, it’s very necessary to consider the following points.

1. Make Use of Descriptive and Keyword Rich Titles

This is exactly where the keyword research game comes to the picture. A descriptive and keyword-rich title will do two things: provide keywords for the algorithm to sort for the prominence of your content and attract users and inform them about what the video is about. For the keyword research, you can use tools like google keyword planner or other keyword research tools.

2. Use #Hashtags

YouTube video tags play a major role in distinguishing what your video content is about and helps the algorithm to understand the same, making it easier for viewers to reach your video. These, along with your description and title, should evaluate the core of what your video is about.

3. Make The Best Use of Your Thumbnail Image

Your thumbnail image can work wonders when it comes to boosting your YouTube views whether they’re on the organic results page, suggested videos section, or appearing on social media. So, always make sure to use high-quality images that feature readable and engaging fonts and facial-closeups, if they’re featured in your video.

4. Provide Educational or Entertaining Content or Both

Your video content should always be high quality; whether it’s teaching them how to do or understand something, or simply keeping them involved and amused. When users find your content valuable, they’ll return for more and hence the views on your other future videos will boost too.

5. Use Guest YouTuber’s

Just like guest posting for blogs, guest YouTubers, industry influencers, or well-known YouTubers, with their own following can do wonders for boosting your views. Similar to influencer marketing, guest YouTubing can attract your users with household industry names and provide a different and unique standpoint to your industry’s sphere.
Offer a link to one of their videos or websites in your description and you can form a profitable relationship built on reciprocity.

6. Use Autoplay for Embedded Videos

Autoplay will automatically start playing a video when it has been embedded. You should be mindful when you do this, as auto-played videos may displease some users. If the video content is descriptive, then it might be a good idea to use autoplay as it might help the users to immediately jump into the video that’s explaining how to do something.

7. Creating Playlists and Multiplying the Views

Organizing and creating video playlists for YouTube is the best way to lower the chances of the viewer moving on to another channel once they’ve absorbed your content.

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