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All that glitters is just a distraction.

If you’re liberal and you’re lazy, clap your hands. But then, if you’re truly liberal and you’re lazy, you’d be too lazy to clap your hands. Instead, you’d be shocked to discover a new Bigotry of the Week, then register your dismay on social media — or, if you’re entitled enough, in a weekend column in mainstream media — and stew in your own juices till the next Bigotry of the Week comes banging at the door. This week, it was a Tanishq ad whose point was to sell its jewellery. It turns out that like Fifty Shades of Grey somehow finding its way into a school library, the ad reached the wrong target customer: conservative Hindus who don’t like the notion of their beta-betis marrying Muslims at all — something that the jewellery brand sought to promote while making its sales pitch. Social media — like sex chat rooms and WhatsApp groups — magically empowers shy, timid souls by providing them a cover of anonymity. So, while the notion of inter-faith marriage, and the idea of an ad extolling it, horrify many (you don’t have to be a troll to be conservative), raging about it in apoplectic terms as ‘love jihad’ etc is little else but a counter-campaign to a warm, fuzzy ad campaign, both of which get amplified by social media and then ‘unsocial’ media. And when the outrage on social media’s ether bubbles up into the real world in the form of some people reportedly barging into a showroom in Gujarat, demanding a note of ‘apology to the Hindu community’ on behalf of the store that’s put up and later removed, we have an anklet turned into a broken ankle, a necklace turned into a strangled neck. The liberal outrage against the illiberal bile is justified. But it follows a certain, well-established playbook at the centre of which lies mass distraction. In the larger scheme of things, the issue of inter-faith marriage and its discontents is a frisbee in the park. As is Tanishq’s decision to react to the ‘unease of doing business’ by removing the ad. Their business, their decision — especially when the job of advertising their brand has gone well beyond the remit of the commissioned ad, thanks to literally free agents. All that glitters may not be gold, but it can certainly be distracting if distraction is the need of the hour. The country, as far as one can tell, is not being overrun either by Hindu-Muslim nuptials, or by Hindu inbreeding on the lines of the 1979 Rajkumar Kohli ‘horror-romance’ classic, Jaani Dushman. One can safely (sic) presume that job losses, salary cuts, dip in household earnings, returning to schools and dying of Covid apart, matters like law and order as displayed in the handling of rape, and the one-upmanship in pre-election political violence are more worrying issues. As sheer time-pass, even the rolled-out, Manali hash-tagged Bollywood saga scores over this tinsel products advertisement. Liberal laziness, unfortunately, doesn’t seem to give the Tanishq episode its due unimportance. A business enterprise being given bad, negative customer feedback because of unsavoury, narrow-minded reasons isn’t exactly the advent of bigotry. That circus came to town and pitched its tent a while back. But by giving this episode — runts ranting on social media and venting their pent-up fantasies about customer penetration and brand unfaithfulness — so much bhao, those denouncing hidebound neurotics are feeding these ferrets and making them fat with a cause, however, inane, unjust and against the law (Special Marriage Act, 1954) their may be. Instead of starting, say, a #MarryAMuslim campaign, or invoking ‘Secular India’ to ears that, like Maharashtra governor B S Koshiyari’s pairs, deem the word ‘secular’ to mean something sinister, liberals should utilise what has usually been considered their domain weakness: laziness. Liberals, whether from the left, right or centre, usually do not go barging in to put up notices on shopfronts, attack bastions of illiberalism or intolerance, proactively seek the removal of copies of Mein Kampfs or the Little Red Book from bookstores, or protest outside and damage property of cinemas depicting Kangana Ranaut movies. This culture of ‘boycotting’ over ‘removing’ fundamentally skews the matter in favour of the more active, more vitriolic ‘opinionated’, especially when administrations use them as dog show attack dogs with no leash leading back to the administrations. But, to quote a well-known radical Conservative’s advice to democratic nations, liberals in India must try to find ways to starve the figurative terrorist and hijacker of the oxygen of publicity on which they depend. With the art and science of opposition mostly in the doghouse these days, knowing what are issues and what are non-issues and then letting the latter lie is a sound strategy. Tanishq, one can safely presume, can deal with its own pre-Diwali publicity and sales, especially in these days of enhanced online commercial activity.

What is your favourite upwas ka faral (fasting snacks)??

My favourite fasting food is Sabudana vada ? It is super delicious like no other. So what do you feel?

Imagine having no choice over something that is involuntary.

I often find myself into situations where the answer to it lies in a reflex, but can not usually be dealt with in the same way. Is it just me?

Travel ?

What is your choice of an ideal vacation? Beach or Hills? ?

What is Art? and/or What is Beauty?

Art is something we do, a verb. Art is an expression of our thoughts, emotions, intuitions, and desires, but it is even more personal than that: it’s about sharing the way we experience the world, which for many is an extension of personality. It is the communication of intimate concepts that cannot be faithfully portrayed by words alone. And because words alone are not enough, we must find some other vehicle to carry our intent. But the content that we instill on or in our chosen media is not in itself the art. Art is to be found in how the media is used, the way in which the content is expressed. What then is beauty? Beauty is much more than cosmetic: it is not about prettiness. There are plenty of pretty pictures available at the neighborhood home furnishing store; but these we might not refer to as beautiful; and it is not difficult to find works of artistic expression that we might agree are beautiful that are not necessarily pretty. Beauty is rather a measure of affect, a measure of emotion. In the context of art, beauty is the gauge of successful communication between participants – the conveyance of a concept between the artist and the perceiver. Beautiful art is successful in portraying the artist’s most profound intended emotions, the desired concepts, whether they be pretty and bright, or dark and sinister. But neither the artist nor the observer can be certain of successful communication in the end. So beauty in art is eternally subjective.

One “feel good” movie that you absolutely love?

There are number of movies in bollywood as well as hollywood that makes you feel good and while you are watching that one movie you forget all the stress and negativity in life. Comment down below which one’s your favourite♥️

To-Do Lists The Key to Efficiency

Do you often feel overwhelmed by the amount of work you have to do? Do you find yourself missing deadlines? Or do you sometimes just forget to do something important, so that people have to chase you to get work done? All of these are symptoms of not keeping a proper "To-Do List." These are prioritized lists of all the tasks that you need to carry out. They list everything that you have to do, with the most important tasks at the top of the list, and the least important tasks at the bottom. By keeping such a list, you make sure that your tasks are written down all in one place so you don't forget anything important. And by prioritizing tasks, you plan the order in which you'll do them, so that you can tell what needs your immediate attention, and what you can leave until later. To-Do Lists are essential if you're going to beat work overload. When you don't use them effectively, you'll appear unfocused and unreliable to the people around you. When you do use them effectively, you'll be much better organized, and you'll be much more reliable. You'll experience less stress, safe in the knowledge that you haven't forgotten anything important. More than this, if you prioritize intelligently, you'll focus your time and energy on high-value activities, which will mean that you're more productive, and more valuable to your team. Keeping a properly structured and thought-out list sounds simple enough. But it can be surprising how many people fail to use them at all, never mind use them effectively. In fact, it's often when people start to use them effectively and sensibly that they make their first personal productivity breakthroughs, and start making a success of their careers. The video, below, gives some tips on how you can start to use To-Do Lists more effectively. Using Your To-Do List To use your list, simply work your way through it in order, dealing with the A priority tasks first, then the Bs, then the Cs, and so on. As you complete tasks, tick them off or strike them through. What you put on your list and how you use it will depend on your situation. For instance, if you're in a sales-type role, a good way to motivate yourself is to keep your list relatively short, and aim to complete it every day. But if you're in an operational role, or if tasks are large or dependent on too many other people, then it may be better to focus on a longer-term list, and "chip away" at it day-by-day. Many people find it helpful to spend, say, 10 minutes at the end of the day, organizing tasks on their list for the next day

Would you prefer being in a toxic environment (but you get to do whatever you want to do) or Be independent and learn from your own struggles?

Most youngster are fighting the battle between being dependent or independent. But there is no proper solution. Share your insights. Let's help each other :)

Why someone makes things wrong .

Why someone make things wrong because he/she gets a High attitude level or not interested to talk with u . What are reason ! I am finding those reasons . Main thing is that some boys leave their girls friends due to some small mistakes . Some girls leaves boys for small reasons but (what about rest of the youth We r the youth always neglected by u Why?) Because u r not interested? Why?


Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. You may have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities, and sometimes you may feel as if life isn't worth living. More than just a bout of the blues, depression isn't a weakness and you can't simply "snap out" of it. Depression may require long-term treatment. But don't get discouraged. Most people with depression feel better with medication, psychotherapy or both. Symptoms Although depression may occur only once during your life, people typically have multiple episodes. During these episodes, symptoms occur most of the day, nearly every day and may include: Feelings of sadness, tearfulness, emptiness or hopelessness Angry outbursts, irritability or frustration, even over small matters Loss of interest or pleasure in most or all normal activities, such as sex, hobbies or sports Sleep disturbances, including insomnia or sleeping too much Tiredness and lack of energy, so even small tasks take extra effort Reduced appetite and weight loss or increased cravings for food and weight gain Anxiety, agitation or restlessness Slowed thinking, speaking or body movements Feelings of worthlessness or guilt, fixating on past failures or self-blame Trouble thinking, concentrating, making decisions and remembering things Frequent or recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts or suicide Unexplained physical problems, such as back pain or headaches For many people with depression, symptoms usually are severe enough to cause noticeable problems in day-to-day activities, such as work, school, social activities or relationships with others. Some people may feel generally miserable or unhappy without really knowing why.

If your life was a play which role you would choose?

Evil or innocent, cold or soft, soft spoken and back-biter or harsh speaker and honest?

What is my taste

What is my work

Content Creator Job

Content Creators produce entertaining or educational material and are responsible for the contribution of information to any media. They create both digital media and offline content that caters to the interests of a target audience. In today’s context, many corporations employ or outsource content creators to engage new and existing customers on the brand’s behalf. A Content Creator’s various tasks include writing articles for a company’s web pages, e-books, and social media posts. He/she should also be adept at promoting content on social media. To be a successful Content Creator, one should be familiar with digital publishing and generating traffic and leads for new businesses. Being a Content Creator, one would need to have the ability to blend his/her employer’s/client’s content guidelines with creativity. Having a unique voice and personality is an important and distinguishable asset. As a Content Creator, one needs to have a sense of curiosity to identify problems worth solving. The insights that come from this inherent curiosity makes great content. Roles and Responsibilities Research on industry-related topics Write content by choosing a proper tone in the writing style, adhering to the respective corporations’ style guide Utilize various digital publishing platforms to create structured drafts Target content to specific audiences and focus on trending topics Incorporate blog and social media posts in both websites and social media platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn Conduct keyword research and employ SEO best practices to optimize content Analyse web traffic to measure the success of the content (e.g. conversion and bounce rates)

Looking for photographer

Dear Friends, Hi, I am looking for Delhi Ncr base photographer for collaboration interested person DM me here instra @deepak.das87



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If you want to change something in your past what would it be?


What's the thing you wish you could see but is invisible???

First you all give the answers then I will tell mine.

How is an Influencer Different From a Brand Ambassador?

Although influencers and brand ambassadors both partner with your brand to promote it, brand ambassador partnerships tend to be longer. Influencer marketing campaigns can be short-term ones and may be one-off campaigns too. However, brand ambassadors are more integrated into the brand’s marketing strategy, and they might even become the face of the brand. As a result, the way they are compensated varies, as well. While influencers may be paid a fixed fee for a particular campaign, brand ambassadors might get paid on a retainer basis. Many brands pay brand ambassadors a specific commission for every sale that they drive as well. For instance, Pura Vida has a brand ambassador program where the brand ambassadors are given a 10% commission for every sale that they drive.

How important is clothing to a person's personality??

I believe clothing tells a lot about a person's personality and I do have lot of reasons to believe so. Clothing portraits about a person's belives , ideas , mentality etc . I would love to know your opinions on this topic so do leave your opinions in the comment section ?

Is it necessary to launch a blog to get ahead in blogging industry?

Is it really necessary to have an actual blog or just being an instagram influencer is enough?