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Mental Health and Lockdown

We need to talk more about mental health issues. Due to lockdown many people have lost their jobs, their dear ones. This situation has caused distress in many people's life. People are suffering from high levels of anxiety and depression in lockdown. As people can't accept mental health as a normal issue they make fun of others and even taunt them for their mental state... Because of which people keep suffering and take big steps. There is need to normalise mental health issues in our society. People need to understand just like physical health mental health issue is also something which everyone goes through.

Covid 19

When will the outbreak end and life get back to normal?

Are you a book person or a movie person

I personally don't have that much patience to read 400-500 pages when I can know all about those pages in just 2 hours. What about you?

What are your views on reality shows?

New season of bigg boss is gonna start very soon. Do you watch bigg boss or any other reality show? What's your views on reality shows in general?

How to have patience for your dreams to come true?

It gets pretty difficult to wait for your dreams to come true when you hit 20 years of age. How do you deal with it?

Student life

How you know colleges demand for fees at times of covid

I want to about influencer growth

Growth on every platform..... views on it

Mental Health and the Stigma

People struggling with their mental health may be your family member, friend, teach your children, fellow worker. However, only half of those affected receive treatment, often because of the stigma attached to mental health. Many people with serious mental illness are challenged doubly. On one hand, they struggle with the symptoms that result from the disease. On the other, they are challenged by the stereotypes and preconception that result from misconceptions about mental illness. As a result of both, people with mental illness are robbed of the opportunities like : good jobs, safe housing, satisfactory health care. The fact that most people have knowledge of a set of stereotypes does not imply that they agree with them .

Why do people speak up only after something happens?

Be it the recent Hathras rape case or SSR case, people speak up about a certain issue only when the wrongdoing has happened. On the other days, people are so occupied within themselves and their self-centered world, they don't actually care about something else. There are many rapes, domestic violence cases that go unnoticed just because it didn't gain much publicity or attention. Why is this happening? Ask Yourself! It's high time these issues shouldn't be discussed occasionally but on daily basis! Spread the word!!! ??

India need quick action RAPE law .

RAPE law in India acts like someone is fighting for a normal cause in my opinion India needs quick law on RAPE cases. RAPE is a sensitive crime humans became senseless , feeling less, emotionless beast, behave unhumanly.

Do Clothes cause rape ?

The way anyone dresses should not be deemed as 'opportunity' to sexually assault them. Ever.

App opening

1.Why the App is not opening in my phone 2. Is I have to daily upload a new content in this app

Why being housewife is not regarded with respect?

People at work so get holidays but what about a housewife she works from morning till night, from Monday to Sunday and what people say what are you doing? I

What do you think of suicide?

I do not think that this a solution to any problem indeed you could share your problems to your parents or to people who you believe . Never take it as a solution .


Fashion is HOW you carry your clothes off. It doesn't matter how expensive your clothes are, or what brand they belong to, you can make yourself look like a million dollars by just feeling comfortable with the colors and clothes that you choose for yourself. You just have to be conscious about your choice, don't be passive and be all like "clothes just need to cover my body" or "OMG this is the latest ensemble that's been trending all over the internet and magazines." I've seen people buy exactly what mannequins wear with the misplaced hope of resembling them, a mannequin never has a real human's proportions so don't be misled! Wear clothes that you're comfortable and confident in, your persona is a very essential part of your daily wardrobe. I've seen women buy six inch heels and walk like new born calves or grab on to their boyfriend's arm just to be able to walk and that to me is extremely unfashionable. Be happy about your choice of clothes and feel happy wearing them! That's the secret to great fashion!

Non-precaution Pandemic!

We all can see 70% of India population cover their nack instead of month and nose. It's kinda funny seeing people walking on the street covering their neck for no reason. Yes, I know wearing mask isn't comfortable specially in summer but we all should follow to avoid this virus from inserting into our body, right! The main issue I feel is unawareness of covid19 and its precaution and carelessness. What do you think?


Using hashtag for each n every thing is that much enough? Or do we need to do something else than this? (On current situation happened with a Girl)


Few days ago i had posted a picture about self love You say you love yourself , bit do you actually do things that you actually love? Do you dressup for yourself? Do you take yourself on dates? Do you gift yourself ? Ask yourself when you say it you actually do it??? Self love is not selfish it is important Treat yourself as much as you could have done to someone else LIve your life to the fullest Make mistakes Gain experiences Nothing can teach you other than oersonal experience , Everyone has their own experience Take risks ,Dont limit yourself Make sky as your limiy, Keep going and moving on is the next word of life. Keep moving and growing from whatever life throws at you. Thankyou - Riyalness


Slut shaming and Body shaming is not cool

I am a beauty blogger . Belonging from a middle class family and growing up in a small town i came across people who unlike me for my not-so-fair skintone,for not having a perfect figure,for not having a perfect jawline. During my school years,I was never "THAT' girl. That girl who walks the room and turn heads. I was more of a corrider girl or you can say a wallflower. But this never hinder me to achieve what i wanted , what i aspired for. I dont want "another me " in some corner of the world suffering the same fate. But in this materialistic world, we have sort of normalized slut shaming and body shaming. Therefore, despite the normalization,one should never degrade oneself or starve oneself just to match the so called requirements of society. We can survive this.I KNOW IT. :)


How to overcome negative thoughts from our day to day life?