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What fashion means to you?

For me fashion means being comfortable in what you wear. Fashion can be a no make-up look with loosely tied bun t-shirt and simple pyjama with slippers or a one piece off-shoulder red dress with chilliness added to your lips. It depends on how you carry with whatever you wear not by the material you wear. Do share your thoughts.

Something helpful for oily scalp? Any products or remedies that might help?

I have really oily scalp and it irritates me sometimes to wash my hair again and again. Is there some home remedy or some product that helps reduce it? Do comment.

When u get boared?

When I started Thinking about my life.

Is it necessary to think what others think ?

It is not at all necessary you just do what you feel right and not at all care what others think because you come up by yourself not by others . What do guys say?

Did this quarantine made you a better person or a lazier one?

This been a tough time for all of us being a part of this pandemic. But all those of you who survived this, did you come out as a better person or you're still a lazyass?

Does brand really matters to you while shopping?

I'm such a street shopping lover. I don't care if I'm wearing a top from some "Rajesh collections" and not from Zara or H&M. Provided they look trendy and stylish. What about you?

Appreciation of Nature

In our busy schedule how often do we look outside the windows and appreciate our nature? I enjoy each and every moment just looking at the sky and the trees. I just love how it feels just gazing at the sky and looking at the leaves, listening to the birds chirping. And how about enjoying sunsets? Are you a Sunset or Sunrise person ? I enjoy each and every sunset and have filled my gallery with all the sunset pictures. I have spent all my evenings on my terrace appreciating how beautiful the sunsets could be. I have witnessed the most beautiful ones to the most cloudy one. I am such a sucker of nature that I can even get up at 5 am in the morning just to capture the first rays of the sun. What about you? Tell me how you appreciate our Nature?

Advantages of using ice cubes for skin

Use ice cubes regularly to nourish your skin. It acts as a great toner for the skin. It is useful for both dry and oily skin. In addition to this using turmeric with gram flour helps oily skin as well as removes black acne, spots and turmeric helps in brightening of skin. What do you use for your skin?

How to deal with dry skin

I feel curd and turmeric would help out what say guys?

How do you keep yourself motivated to click pictures for your blog and instagram?

Honestly, I'm a big time procrastinator. I used to like clicking pictures when I started instagram. But these days I get really lazy. Give me some motivation.

What are your views on periods?

Do you cringe hearing the word "periods"? Or you imagine a piece of cloth covered with blood? Or you just automatically connect it with feminism? Share your views.


Share your views on current fashion trends.

Current fashion trends are so different than what it was 3 years back. The fashion world is changing and altering tremendously. What are your views on this?

Are you a karma believer?

I was a firm believer of karma I used to believe what goes around comes around but when it comes around it is too late. From my observation for the past twenty-one years, people wear faces for the faces they ever meet. You never know who that person actually is, or I should say we never care who that person actually is. What we care is how we can achieve our own purpose from that person even if we have to cheat that person, even if we have to hurt that person. Do we really care about the feelings of other people? Let's leave the feelings, do we really care about the so-called karma and the same can reciprocate to us. We are called humans because we have been provided with the ability to distinguish things. We have been provided with intellectual intelligence(IQ), emotional intelligence(EQ)and spiritual intelligence(SQ). SQ replaces ego with soul but I guess we ourselves have intermixed soul with ego. We are so engrossed in ourselves which has resulted in more old age homes. Old age homes. Wow. We are not even worried for the two people who made us, sacrificed everything for us. Old age homes reflect the sorry statistics. In India, Kerala is the state which has literacy rate of 90.90% , stands first among other Indian states and it also stands first in the number of old age homes in India. We are not able to shelter those who sheltered us. You know why I do not believe in karma because parents who whole-heartedly sacrifice there present for there child's future and end up in old age homes, whereas those stupid children are enjoying there lives. People say karma is the sweetest revenge. Really? I doubt it. I really doubt it. #creatorshala #blogger #influencer #timeforachange

I want to delete posts from my brand work section

There is no option to delete please help me

Thank you :)

Thank you for your love and likings to my recent post. To know more about me and my lifestyle do support and follow me on Instagram ..?? Instagram: @livingwithsilvie

What do you think about K -Dramas??

I feel k-dramas are the best thing happened to me in corona period. My first drama was descendent of sun after then I never looked back.. I love k-drama more than anything

Ainvayi..Open up about anything

Let's discuss about anything.. Pour ur heart out.. people say it z easy to open up to strangers as they don't judge..

Plss can anyone subscribe to my youtube channel ---

Plss subscribe

Plss can anyone subscribe to my youtube channel ---

Plss subscribe

Is it necessary to always have opinion about others thinking?

I don't know how should I start about it or what people actually think about this... Being a human everyone has tendency to express our feeling or sometimes just throwing own "Opinion" Over other, which is not actually right... And no one really likes the unnecessary opinion given by the people... But at the same time it doesn't mean you shouldn't give your opinion.. Of someone is going on wrong track then encourage him/her to not to do such things... At that time you can give your opinion in good term... May be it can heal their pain.. Give your opinion in positive way so it won't affect on the front people... ?