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Instagram Algorithm Pushing the creators Down and Left without Recognision..!!!

With the new updated algorithm, I feel Instagram deliberately cut down the engagement and appreciation each creator recieved in the early days and this has made nano creators like me with below 5k followers a hard tym to keep the post engaged..!! Do you agree?!!


Taking breaks is necessary

A time comes in life when we get ready tired and stressed out. We can no more give out best or literally have energy to create something great. That times we do need a break from the system to boost ourselves and spend time a little own way rather than working on someone’s direction. What do you think...? Does life offen makes you feel stressed and tired and that you wish to get a break? What’s opinion and what do you do ?

Use the app ?

Hello guys my name is aakash want to know about this website. How to use this website and what's the work of it?

New year resolution

We are humans with good and bad bundled together. When a child is born in the world, the heart is pure and it takes in whatever it observes while growing. When we get matured, it is time to shape ourselves into a good person. This can be done by washing away unwanted thoughts/habits from us and cultivating new and positive habits and disciplines as a part of life. Such a change can happen with a well determined resolution. Every year, we can make our mind ready to accept good things that are difficult though and leave off the bad ones that are hard to leave though. Setting New Year Resolution is a good habit to renew ourselves year after year.

What should be your resolution for every month and year ?

Hey everyone, I hope all are doing fine and enjoying new year. Everyone take some resolutions for new year but can't fulfill them. No problem. I'll tell you some simple resolutions which helps you in your life. 1.......... Love yourself. 2.......... Respect and love your body. (Make yourself FIT not slim or toxic) 3.......... Take regular breaks from phone/social media. 4.......... Spent time with family and friends without mobile phone. 5.......... Eat healthy and exercise. 6.......... Remove toxic people from your life. 7.......... Say NO when you want to. 8.......... Spend some minutes with yourself daily. 9.......... Work on your self which helps in your career and income. 10.......... Be confident because you are the most amazing person. ................................................ That's all for now. Stay happy and enjoy. Instagram- @million.shades.girl

2020 is coming to an end!

I will be waving goodbye 2020 with no regrets and a motivated spirit. Thus, taking only the positive ahead with me in 2021. Want to know all my resolutions for 2021 and lessons learned in 2020? Then read the latest blog. Wgat do you think about 2020, Comment below.


What’s your New Year’s Resolution as a blogger/Influencer/Content Creator?

New Year’s Eve is always a time for looking back on the year that is finishing, Especially 2020 Which came with a pandemic & changed everyone life, So what you think which things we carry in 2021?? "A New Year's resolution is a promise to yourself, just to yourself, that you will change something and do it differently next year. So you're changing something to make it better for yourself. " #naveenasapra #creatorshala #tophatlifestyle

Followers or Quality

In times we come to see that some creators are really talented and serious about their work but having a very less number of followers. On the other hand some creators who lack that quality or skill are having a huge audience in their profile. So a time comes to decide what really matters? If you were a owner of a brand then what would you go for? Creators with more followers and engagement or skilled creators with comparatively less number of audience?

What do you think about Podcasting?

It's a new thing that is added in the list of blogger & Influencer. Podcasting is like having your own radio show. Some web users love to listen to audios because it allows them to multitask. For example, you can listen to a podcast while driving or cooking. You don’t have to watch or read. All you have to do is listen. So, it’s easy for your audience to consume podcasts than videos and articles. Like I love to Listen That Boho Girl(Kritika Khurana) Podcast. Kritika Khurana is a big Fashion Blogger and in the lockdown, she started a podcast that is Uncut Kritika. The podcast talks about adulting, careers, and self-care. Want some advice on how to deal with heartbreaks? Or why negative thoughts are not to be taken seriously. She talks about important and emotional topics which all youngsters face. Share which one is your favourite Podcast and why??


Social media success then and now

Do you think it was easier for creators before to succeed than what it is today? Explain


Is social media proving like a curse or a boon to you?

Some might say both, but that's not so done. Let's be honest!! "To me social media has proved to be a boon on the prior side. Reason being I have learnt a lot and made so many useful contacts this lockdown. Went to a bit professional without even stepping out of home!!" What about you?

More engagement and followers

Want to how to grow engagement and followers on Instagram organically

Be Real But Not So Real On Social Media

Hey everyone, Hope you all are doing fine. I just want to discuss about real and fake personality on social media. There are some people or creators who wants to be so perfect on social media even when they are not so comfortable with it. Sometime trends are weird but they follow everything just to be on point. Social media is a platform to express yourself, your creative self and your skills. It should not be a depressing place. Yes, you read it right. Depressing. Don't take social media so serious that you forget yourself and loved ones. If you are not comfortable with any trend, don't post. Don't post every little detail about your personal life. My point is enjoy your social media presence. Engage, post and create. Don't forget the real world, real friends and real family. Be real with your content. Don't rush with trends. Do what makes you happy. Enjoy your time with family and friends. When you're real and enjoy social media, you will get more love from your audience. Be consistent and enjoy. What you think about it ? Do share your views. Cheers. Have a smiling day. :) Instagram- @million.shades.girl

Make your own step

I think social media this days like she or he doing this and gaining views or followers I'm also going to do same. Why dude why you want to do the exact same thing what if people want to see you see your content your authenticity your audience collecting with you because you not for seeing same content they want your own content. it's not necessary to go with trend every time do your little staps you don't want any one for your feed you're capable to do it and you can.

To Fashion, Does it Matter?

where we can discuss, do we really need to follow fashion rules set by the so-called society to look good? You are curvy, don't wear big prints, don't wear verticle lines. You are thin, don't wear this or that? black doesn't go with navy blue, this is meant with that, that isn't good with that. I think if you are confident about what you are wearing and that suits your body type well, sits on right places, you are good to go! Cheers! Harleen

Instagram algorithm

When I first got to know about the Instagram algorithm I was kind of chilled, thought if my content is good nothing can stop me. I didn't care much. Asked my friends to save my post, that's it. As days passed by I noticed the decrease in reach of my posts, it was down terribly. From 25k+ to 2k - 3k. This was so disturbing, I started getting depressed and anxiety ruled over me. I felt discouraged as my post were not getting much reach and I thought about discontinuing my account and spoke about the same to my friends and my sister as she is the only one who supports me in this content creation job. I didn't post for few days, ignored every dms that asked for what's happening. But then one of my friend scolded me so much that I got determined and started shooting early in the morning as I couldn't give up so fast. I took the new update in a positive manner and started making reels more often, not every reels go well but I try my best. Engagement is not high always, sometimes it's less and sometime it's good. But I feel it's okay cause giving up is not okay. These numbers are just numbers and don't let them play with your mind. If you want to achieve something focus on it and remember no one can stop you from achieving your goals if you are determined to get them. My father once said follow 3 D's- Discipline, Determination, Dedication. And I abide by that. I would love to know your views on how you guys have taken the new instagram update? Do let me know, fam?

Movie Review - Shakuntala Devi

Shankuntala Devi’ not only explores the mathematician’s fascinating relationship with numbers but her relationships beyond it also – especially her life as a mother and a lady . If Shankuntala Devi’s intriguing journey which started off as a three-year-old solving difficult math problems and doing her own shows across schools wasn't remarkable enough – her fearless and independent spirit as a girl within the 1950’s, who lived by her own rules adds to her dazzling persona. One which she fiercely protects through every stage of her life.‘Why should I be normal, once I are often amazing?’ Shakuntala Devi (Vidya Balan) asks her daughter Anupama (Sanya Malhotra), when during a skirmish the later questions why she can’t be a ‘normal’ mother.

Social Life v/s Real Life - An Insight to Insta life

I have seen youngsters / teenagers comparing their life with the insta life of their favourite blogger or anyone from their peer group and falling into depression feeling that their life is not worth theirs. Even I had personal experience of people commenting on my insta feed or stories as If I’m leading a dreamy life , when literally I’m destroyed or having those bad times of my life . People actually believe bindly what they see on instagram especially teenagers. I feel like insta life is the world of perfectionism be it the skin texture , complexion , achievement or even the food we eat. We exhibit only the better face of everything no matter what the Reality is ..!! Only few influencers will reveal the hardships and failures in their life .. Don’t you feel its high time for us to realise that there is no shortcut for success and happiness..!! Happiness lie in our perspective of how we approach our life.. As the proverb says ‘life is not a bed of roses’ but definitely we can make this world a better place . Be happy and grateful to all the blessings we have and letz try for a better tomorrow..!!!


Curvy can be Lovely- No Fashion criteria can stop you.

Beauty is not a size. You can be a size or you can be a size 24 and be curvy. You can never be too perfect, too thin, too curvy. You should accept yourself as you are. In “Curvy,” they are superhappy with their sizes. We should help them dress fashionably. We say: It’s pointless for you to buy leggings, take this because this will look good on you. We help them choose. We don’t talk about diets because they don’t want to be on a diet, but it’s not a ghetto. Why should these women slim down? Many of the women who have a few extra kilos are especially beautiful and also more feminine. I represent more the healthy, happy, curvy, strong woman. And that sounds much healthier. I'm very confident and happy with my body.


Dealing with creator's block

Aren’t there some days when you feel completely blocked out? Those days when you want to create but can’t think of anything? Some ways to overcome Creators’s block are: Tap into your subconscious. Get it down on paper. Don't be scared to walk away and use a break. Complete what you've started. Set some fun in your work. Don't retread your actions. Look in unlikely places. Expect the unexpected. Examine other artistic methods. Expand your mind. Go against the flow. Seize some 'you time.' Widen your horizons. Push the boundaries. Get a new perspective. Sleep on it when you can. Let me know how do you guys deal with creators block!
