Hey there. As a dry skin person its always hard to choose the right dewy foundation especially in winter time. What do my dry skin ladies use ? What do you prefer? A matte base foundation or dewy foundation? What brand is your favourite ?
When you feel stressed or not so ok, do you find peace by eating your favourite snack? What do you do when you feel stressed? Lets talk.?
Where would you go to find some peaceful time for yourself? The beach or near waterfalls or poolside? Lets talk.
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This section focuses on how adolescents develop and the issues they may face as they mature. Optimal Health: Learn more about the optimal health model that the Office of Population Affairs (OPA) integrates into its adolescent health and family planning programs, services, and research. Adolescent Development Explained: Check out the OPA Adolescent Development Explained guide for information about the major developmental changes that occur in adolescence and how parents and caring adults can support adolescents. The OPA website is currently being updated. More information on adolescent health will be made available.
Peace of mind is one of those instants in life that are hard to describe, but easy to know. We all know the sensation. In those fleeting instants, there are no doubts, anxieties, or cares. For a flash, life is totally under modification. It is a sensation that we all wish in life, but it is few, far between, and brief. At least it seems that way. “Freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions.” It all surprises with the basic desire to be satisfied. Everybody wants to be happy. Even if someone privileges they want to be unhappy, seeking that unhappy state really makes them happy.
Self Respect is a quality which is extremely important for the dignity, confidence and personality of an individual. People with self respect have the courage of accepting their mistakes. They exhibit certain toughness, a kind of moral courage and they display character. Without self respect, one becomes an unwilling audience of one’s failing both real and imaginary. To live without self respect is to live counting ones omissions and commissions] It is like lying down on an uncomfortable bed that we have made for ourselves! Whether or not we sleep in it depends on whether or not we respect ourselves. A self respecting person accepts responsibilities for one’s own life and its this source from which self respect springs. Such people are always willing to accept risks. They invest some thing of themselves in what they undertake to do and when they play they know the odds. Self respect is a kind of discipline, a habit of the mind that can never fail an individual.
Life is not a bed of roses neither it is full of thorns. Life is full of struggle but there is a lot of problems and challenges faced by the people in daily life. Prosperity in every field of life never comes to you on its own. You have to struggle hard to get to it. A good example is that of a sport person. A boxer can only win a fight based on the amount of effort and hard work. People are exposed to a number of problems and challenges, and it is only when such obstacles are tackled will a person be able to be successful. Success can never be earned by staying idle and this implies that it is important to put an effort to increase the chances of becoming successful in life. Life is full of struggle and challenges, and if we want to succeed we should always keep our trust in Allah Almighty and also in ourselves. Success or failure, Happiness or sorrow, moments are the part of life and vary from person to person, if you have not faced the moments of failure, you cannot realize the worth of happiness or success. I do not concur with these, we just keep firm belief on Allah. Allah knows that what is best for us because Allah is the only and unique creator of the whole universe and the one who can give solutions to our problems. Sometimes people think that there is no hope of success and finds darkness everywhere. “For every dark night, there’s a brighter day.” You have studied the story of King Robert Bruce of Scotland and a story of Spider. But I would like to put an example of our Boss cum Brother Mr. Sharif uddin Khilji (a real successful person). If we study the struggle of Mr. Sharif uddin Khilji we will come to know that success in life is after passing the path of difficulties. Facing the difficulties will make you acceptable to the challenges of life and if you accept the challenges, success will follow you. Hiding from the challenges will give a serious set-back in the form of a looser in the competitive race of life. Adversity and hardship is that great part of life which leads towards the successful future. Adversity makes you stronger and enough capable to bear the entire crisis of life. One should never lose the heart but should face his failures boldly. We should never lose the hope as we say that:“Tomorrow never dies” What it takes as we know, it is a hard and difficult journey but when the smoke will clear, we shall emerge as victors and survivors. We have to move forward in our quest for victory No matter. We have to search more, struggle hard to overcome fear in ourselves. Always remember an example that climbing the ladder says to reach to the top you have to climb every single step on the ladder. Same is the case with the success of life. Success is not the ladder which can be climbed with your hands in the pocket. “Life never waits for anyone, you have to come up and get”
Life is not a bed of roses neither it is full of thorns. Life is full of struggle but there is a lot of problems and challenges faced by the people in daily life. Prosperity in every field of life never comes to you on its own. You have to struggle hard to get to it. A good example is that of a sport person. A boxer can only win a fight based on the amount of effort and hard work. People are exposed to a number of problems and challenges, and it is only when such obstacles are tackled will a person be able to be successful. Success can never be earned by staying idle and this implies that it is important to put an effort to increase the chances of becoming successful in life. Life is full of struggle and challenges, and if we want to succeed we should always keep our trust in Allah Almighty and also in ourselves. Success or failure, Happiness or sorrow, moments are the part of life and vary from person to person, if you have not faced the moments of failure, you cannot realize the worth of happiness or success. I do not concur with these, we just keep firm belief on Allah. Allah knows that what is best for us because Allah is the only and unique creator of the whole universe and the one who can give solutions to our problems. Sometimes people think that there is no hope of success and finds darkness everywhere. “For every dark night, there’s a brighter day.” You have studied the story of King Robert Bruce of Scotland and a story of Spider. But I would like to put an example of our Boss cum Brother Mr. Sharif uddin Khilji (a real successful person). If we study the struggle of Mr. Sharif uddin Khilji we will come to know that success in life is after passing the path of difficulties. Facing the difficulties will make you acceptable to the challenges of life and if you accept the challenges, success will follow you. Hiding from the challenges will give a serious set-back in the form of a looser in the competitive race of life. Adversity and hardship is that great part of life which leads towards the successful future. Adversity makes you stronger and enough capable to bear the entire crisis of life. One should never lose the heart but should face his failures boldly. We should never lose the hope as we say that:“Tomorrow never dies” What it takes as we know, it is a hard and difficult journey but when the smoke will clear, we shall emerge as victors and survivors. We have to move forward in our quest for victory No matter. We have to search more, struggle hard to overcome fear in ourselves. Always remember an example that climbing the ladder says to reach to the top you have to climb every single step on the ladder. Same is the case with the success of life. Success is not the ladder which can be climbed with your hands in the pocket. “Life never waits for anyone, you have to come up and get”
It’s your makeup, your choice. While some people wear makeup to create an illusion of perfection and others to impress suitors, some wear it as a form of enjoyment or expression. Whatever the purpose—if it makes you happy, why the hell not? Women get a lot of criticism for wearing makeup. If they wear too much, they are called cake-face, but if they don’t wear any all, they either look tired or sick. Society expects women to be flawless; women are expected to be well-dressed and well-mannered, all while having the perfect au naturale beauty. We live in an oxymoronic society where many women try to achieve the no-makeup-makeup look. Some critics would say women wear makeup solely to impress men. I must have missed the memo about our entire existence being dedicated to impressing men. But that criticism also holds some truth. Women and men can wear makeup to impress suitor, but so what? It’s one thing for men to criticize women for what they do or wear. But women who criticize other women are even worse. Women who choose not to wear makeup have the right not to and shouldn’t receive any shame or ridicule. However, many women who don’t wear makeup hold such hostility towards women who do. It’s great if an individual feels beautiful in his or her own skin. But if he or she prefers a little enhancement through makeup, who cares? Reversely, women who enjoy wearing makeup do not care if someone does or doesn’t. These same women generally support and teach their talents, rather than criticize. Contextually, makeup has been around for thousands of years holding many cosmetic, symbolic or traditional values. Long before 4,000 B.C., Egyptians used substances found in nature as makeup. It was widely popular among both men and women. Their makeup was worn to distinguish social status, part of rituals and even used to protect the skin from harsh conditions of the desert. The Greeks and Chinese used chalk and rice, respectively, to whiten their complexion. Roman men died their hair blond while Roman women used sheep’s fat and blood as nail polish. Fast-forward a couple hundred years, Elizabeth of England, Queen Elizabeth I, the aristocracy and both sexes of the colonial era all used white lead paint to lighten their complexion. It wasn’t until present day when makeup was feminized and unjustly judged. Makeup is whatever you make of it. Makeup is an art form. Many people do not see it as such, but it does take a long time to master and everyone has their own style. Makeup artists and the everyday consumer might agree makeup is not only fun but it also takes time, patience and even training to master. Many people would be surprised at how great makeup is. All of the so called manly or cool movies that involve aliens, mystical creatures, etc. all use special-effects makeup. If not for the men and women in the special-effects makeup industry, movies and television shows wouldn’t be as great as they are today. If you hate on makeup and people who wear it, you’re hating on all those movies too. So if makeup is something you are passionate about, go for it. Most importantly, makeup shouldn’t pigeonhole your gender identity or sexual preference. I’ve always said lipstick is just like war paint. If I want to cake my face with makeup, I will do so. Makeup is not defining, but liberating. Society needs to liberate makeup in return.
I'm writing this blog post because most people have no idea what I do for a living. Even some my closest friends and family don't really understand how I made blogging my full time job! I hope that through this post I can answer a lot of questions about what it's like to work in social media marketing both on Instagram and blogging. So let's jump right in with what exactly I do! I create beautiful content for companies looking to advertise their products online, and I post that content onto my social media platforms. Some large companies that I've recently worked with include Google, Dr Pepper, Pampers, and Zevia. I also educate my audience on the importance of using these brands in their everyday life on my blog. Some of my most recent posts have been in collaboration with Dove (focusing on self-confidence in women), Munchkin (traveling with kids), and Osea (vegan skincare products). I also own BSL Consulting, where I consult bloggers and brands on how market their Instagram pages so they can be successful online. I develop friendships with my audience, network with brands from all over the world, and bring up other creatives looking to grow their platforms! It's seriously the best job