

Being Vani

4 years ago


Anyone in need of an effective hair mask? This one's for you. Check it out on www.thecharismaticsoul.com and let me know how it went in the comments below?. #DIYHairMask #SelfCare #StaySafe #Creatorshala #Blogger #CreatorshalaBlogger

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Sneha Yadav

4 years ago

Insta- styleitwithsneha Day 16 Pink and white will never leave the trends. #creatorshala #creatorshalablogger

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Hello guys. I'm.here to talk about this tnw skinfix facepack. Made up of organic Ayurvedic ingredients. Helps in removing all the dead skin cells and helps the skin to rejuvenate. I've been using this for almost 2 months and this is so promising. Helps in removing tan . Use it once or twice a week . #creatorshala #review #skincarereview #creatorshalablogger #creatorshalainfluencer.

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BOOKS... It changes my life a lot. First of all, I want to tell you something about me. Before reading books, I didn't take any interest in books. Although I was a good student it but having negative thoughts. I was not clear in my life like what I want to be.. why I reading...I haven't any deep knowledge about my family, money or even my studies. I was careless about my board exams during my semester exam I was not serious for that so me and my friend plan to do something different decide studies which might help in future. My semester exam is going to be conducted very soon, but instead of searching about 'How to prepare for exams' we searched what are some books we have to read now which helps in future. We ordered one book, after 3 days, it was my first exam day and my friend came to me and said- '' Hey this is your book, this book is really awesome take it." I completed that book in only 3 days reading unconsciously. I didn't realise how does my semester exams. Books are beautiful. They are different colors and sizes and can be elegantly worn or new and glossy. Some have fancy leather/cloth covers. Very pretty. Books smell good. Old books smell best, but new ones are good, too. Old paper starts to break down, containing compounds found in vanilla and almonds, mmm. Newer paper has the tang of wood pulp and printer’s ink. Books feel good. I like a nice heavy hardcover in my hand, or a soft, worn paperback to curl up with. I like to ruffle the pages. I like the satisfaction of closing it. Books are comforting. I still have several of my books from when I was a kid. Why? They were like comfort objects for me. Growing up, I never went anywhere -not even a different room -without a book. I still never leave the house without one. Just having a book makes me feel braver and happier for some reason. Books hold knowledge. I like looking at my textbooks and seeing how much I’ve learned -it’s so satisfying. I like knowing I can find the answer to a question in one of my books. Books hold adventure. I’ve been to many places in books, some real, some fictional. Most of them are places I will never go, but I feel like I own a piece of those places now, because I have (fictional) memories there. Books hold insight. So many of the things I know about life, I learned from books. A lot of my beliefs have been carefully thought out and defined after reading a thought-provoking book. Books have shaped me as a person. Books hold friends. Long before I ever learned how to make friends, the characters in books were there for me. Whenever I’m lonely or feel like there’s no one there, or whenever I’m going through something difficult, books have characters who feel the same way, and we can feel lonely together. Make your book your friend instead of load :))) #creatorshala #contentwriter #blogger #creatorshalablogger

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Mansi Yadav

4 years ago

During this examination period, I want to ask: Who the hell likes to study? NOT ME!!? #creatorshala #blogger #creator #blog #creatorshalablogger #mansiwrites #quotesofcreatorshala

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Outfit inspo - Black leather skirt with a one shoulder sequin top.♥️ #fashion #fashioninspo #ootd #creatorshalablogger #likeforlike

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