

Jeet Barman

3 years ago


Take memories, leave footprints. ? Missing travelling so much ❤️ What's in your bucket list to travel!? please tell me.☺️ . 8,9,10fab2020 I remember this no one can forget this trip started the journey 7fab. 11:00 pm to Bet Dwarka and we reach the location at 7:30am on 8th morning this tracking trip is unbelievable because truly it's with pure nature, sea sand and sun is the bestest combination to feel you inner soul and I know so much about marine life , food and in Gujarat I show the dolphins and the sunset and sunrise incredible journey with nature. . #travelling #trekking #betdwarka #Gujarat #exploring #sunday #missingtravelling #tbt?? #memories #love #life #beauty #travel #neture #seasunsand #journey #piku #bollywood #journeysong #covidsucks #unnatigandharva #gandhinagar #influencer #reelsinstagram #travelreels  #cshalatraveldiaries @creatorshala

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High Altitude... Paradise found on a Sunday ✨ Topography ✌ #Travel #leisure #nature #landscaping #trekking #photography #greenery #natural #topography

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Shalini Sinha

4 years ago


Samyak Jain

4 years ago

Every mountaintop is within reach if you just keep climbing? #TriundTrek #TravelDiaries #Trekking

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Shakir Rai

5 years ago

Santla devi Temple Dehradun Uttarakhand trek is one of my favourite and unforgettable journey. The experience of Santla devi trek is unspeakable. Lots of fun and memories we had. I still remember how much tired we are to climbing on the top of the Santla devi Temple and i still remember the best feeling in the life when we reach the Santla devi Temple top. It's been amazing adventure i have ever in life. The views of hills, water crossing, fear of climbing its amazing experience. Once in a life do trekking its so much fun and enjoy. #traveladventure #travelfun #trekk #trekking #amazingexprience #creatorshala #creatorshalablog

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