

Ankana Pal

4 years ago


Ankana Pal

4 years ago


Ankana Pal

4 years ago


Take memories, leave footprints. ? Missing travelling so much ❤️ What's in your bucket list to travel!? please tell me.☺️ . 8,9,10fab2020 I remember this no one can forget this trip started the journey 7fab. 11:00 pm to Bet Dwarka and we reach the location at 7:30am on 8th morning this tracking trip is unbelievable because truly it's with pure nature, sea sand and sun is the bestest combination to feel you inner soul and I know so much about marine life , food and in Gujarat I show the dolphins and the sunset and sunrise incredible journey with nature. . #travelling #trekking #betdwarka #Gujarat #exploring #sunday #missingtravelling #tbt?? #memories #love #life #beauty #travel #neture #seasunsand #journey #piku #bollywood #journeysong #covidsucks #unnatigandharva #gandhinagar #influencer #reelsinstagram #travelreels  #cshalatraveldiaries @creatorshala

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इन दिनों भरोसा और समोसा सबको नहीं मिलता भरोसा कमाना पड़ता है और समोसा बनाना पड़ता है ?‍♀️? . . #homemadesamosa #instafoodie #instafoodgram #samosa #samosalover #igfoodie #foodgram #bloggerstyle #foodbloggers #blogginglife #lockdownrecipes #loveforfood? #foodielife #exploring #newrecipe

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