

Ankana Pal

4 years ago

“To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan and not quite enough time.” 2 DAYS TO GO You want to stop dreaming and start doing. If you are not sure where to start, take the paths other people have laid down before you. Register at humanitasmun.org #humanitasmun #onlinemun #knowledgeispower #humanitasmun #modelunitednations #humanitas #humanitasmodelunitednations #onlineconference #2daystogo #register

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Ankana Pal

4 years ago

IMUN is a global platform where participants from all over the world voice their insights and ideas on how to deal with the current social, political and economic challenges ? . Presently, online IMUN Conferences have given over 40,000 participants from 140 countries a place to interact and share solutions during the extended lockdown ✅ . Best delegates get awards and all participants get special certificates recognised by the United Nations and Australian Embassy! ? . IMUN provides in-depth counselling, study guides, expert sessions on position papers as well as a FREE online MUN training, great for first-timers and expert participants alike. . . . . . #InternationalMUN #mun #imun #modelunitednations #imun2020 #youth #globalopportunity #opportunity #conference #international #internationalconference #diplomacy #leaders #youngleaders #unitednations #un #munconference #online #onlineconference #onlinemun #webinar

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Ankana Pal

4 years ago


Ankana Pal

4 years ago

The world might be going through a pandemic but Hong Kong is also suffering from a Chinese crackdown ? As China continues to exercise pressure and activists ramp up protests, what are the next steps going to be? How can the international community step up during this delicate time? ? . China is also currently engaged in a global trade war which has divided nations on both sides of the Atlantic. Any decisions regarding China have a global impact ? . Register now at IMUN Online Conference 40.0 for a special China edition in WTO and SPECPOL committees. In addition, there is also a substantial discussion on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) of Mission 2030, mental health, gender diversity, protection of children and eLearning during the pandemic ? . Limited seats. UN-recognized certificates to all delegates! ? . ?Dates: January 16th-17th, 2020 . . . . . . . #InternationalMUN #mun #imun #modelunitednations #imun2020 #youth #globalopportunity #opportunity #conference #international #internationalconference #diplomacy #leaders #youngleaders #unitednations #un #munconference #online #onlineconference #onlinemun #webinar

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Ankana Pal

4 years ago

#IMUN #modelunitednations #Onlineconference #Firsttime This was my first time experience of Model United Nations conference and I am sharing my side of experience of International Model United Nations conference 38( day 2 )which happened on 3rd January 2021. I was in UNICEF committee as the delegate of the country Slovakia.

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Ankana Pal

4 years ago

Attention! International MUN @international_mun is recruiting Interns ? . It's a 5-weeks internship programme that enables you to learn organisational management, international diplomacy and everything related to the exciting world of Model United Nations. Not only is this internship a passport to understanding global issues and interacting with other cultures, it also prepares you for your career ? Great performers receive Best of IMUN certificate recognized by the United Nations, Letter of recommendation & appreciation, incentives, visiting card, an opportunity to join IMUN team in different countries all sponsored etc. . ?Apply now at https://bit.ly/imuncamp ✅ Limited Seats Only . . . . #InternationalMUN #mun #imun #modelunitednations #imun2020 #youth #globalopportunity #opportunity #conference #international #internationalconference #diplomacy #leaders #unitednations #un #munconference #online #onlineconference #onlinemun #webinar #internship #hiring #recruit #jobpost #applynow #intern

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Ankana Pal

4 years ago

What are your resolutions for 2021? ? Do you want to start a new career or go for higher studies? Do you want that coveted internship at a Fortune 500 company? Whatever your career resolutions, an IMUN Membership can help ✅ . An IMUN Membership makes you an alround delegate with FOUR conferences at almost the price of two, exclusive MUN training, first access to elite lounges, expert sessions and more ?? . You get to interact with an international community of participants, prepare position papers, reach resolutions and develop teamwork, diplomacy and leadership skills ?? . What's more, you also get certificates recognised by the Australian Embassy and the United Nations, perfect for display on your LinkedIn profile or higher studies applications. Best delegates get special recognition. This makes an immediate difference and sets you apart in a crowd of thousands of applications ? . Don't put your career on hold; start 2021 with a vigour and commitment to achieve your dreams ? Sign up now for IMUN Memberships for only 19 USD and feel the difference ✅ . ?Register at https://bit.ly/imunmembership ? . . . . . #InternationalMUN #mun #imun #modelunitednations #imun2020 #youth #globalopportunity #opportunity #conference #international #internationalconference #diplomacy #leaders #youngleaders #unitednations #un #munconference #online #onlineconference #onlinemun #webinar

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Ankana Pal

4 years ago


Ankana Pal

4 years ago

Have you always wondered what it would be like to participate in a MUN? Or perhaps you have participated in MUNs before but think your performance could be better? Well, we have got just the right training for you ? . International Model United Nations (IMUN) presents a FREE MUN training for all IMUN participants. This online training will cover the basics of IMUN: Committee Sessions, interesting topics, delegates and their role, in-depth research on the country you are representing, position paper submission and more ✅ . Learn what a Model UN entails and how you can win that coveted Best Delegate title! Go from 0 to a 100 as you navigate the landscape of international diplomacy, team leadership and collaboration. This is a training you will carry with you through all other MUNs ? . Limited time offer, only for IMUN participants. Register now for IMUN 39.0? . . . . . #InternationalMUN #mun #imun #modelunitednations #imun2020 #youth #globalopportunity #opportunity #conference #international #internationalconference #diplomacy #leaders #youngleaders #unitednations #un #munconference #online #onlineconference #onlinemun #webinar

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Ankana Pal

4 years ago

International Model United Nations (IMUN) brings youth together from around the world to learn and share ideas from a diverse set of experiences and backgrounds where the Executive board, International Press and International Delegates consolidate to learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations. True to the spirit of the United Nations, IMUN strives to foster a constructive forum for open dialogue on complex global issues, including international peace and security and economic and social progress. IMUN stresses the in-depth examination and resolution of pressing issues by emphasizing the process over results. However, with great powers comes great responsibilities. There are limitations to negotiations especially when international diplomacies and great interests are involved. We hope through IMUN, students learn the importance of balancing national interests with the needs of the international community. #IMUN #Onlineconference #Firsttimeimun This was my first time experience of MUN conference and I am sharing my side of experience of IMUN conference 38.0 day 1 which happened on 2nd January 2021.

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