THE SECRET OF ELEGANT BEAUTY An elegant woman is poised and polite. You can demonstrate this refinement by being kind and respectful to everyone around you. Communicate clearly and maintain your composure, no matter the situation. An elegant woman also cares about her appearance and takes time to groom herself. 8 WAYS TO LOOK ELEGANT: 1.Wear nice clothes. Avoid clothes which look overly casual, dirty, stained, or ruined. ... 2.Wear classic cuts. ... 3.Wear clothes that fit. ... 4.Choose quality fabrics. ... 5.Choose high contrast or classic colors. ... 6.Keep it simple. ... 7.Accessorize strategically. ... 8.Keep it simple HOW TO BE ELEGANT Elegant Step 1: Be clean. Practice good hygiene. Take a shower when you need to and keep your hair clean. Brush your teeth and use deodorant, to keep yourself smelling fresh. Elegant Step 2: Be tidy. Keep your hair brushed, your nails reasonably trimmed, and any excess body hair should also be carefully maintained to reasonable lengths. Elegant Step 3: Use subtle makeup. Use only enough concealer, foundation and powder to even your skin tone and cut down on shine. Eye shadow and lip colors should be subtle and use neutral tones line browns and grays. Eyeliner and mascara should be minimal. There are occasions, however, where bolder lip colors may be appropriate. If you are going out for a formal evening, for example, bright red lips may be warranted. Be Elegant Step 4: Choose sleek hairstyles. When you think elegant women you usually think Audrey Hepburn, Veronica Lake, or Nicole Kidman. And what do they have in common? That sleek, beautiful hair, of course. Choose hairstyles which show off the satin quality of your hair and compliment your features and dress style. This will give you a more elegant look. Be Elegant Step 5: Get your nails done. Good choices for nail polish are pale pink, clear, or a french manicure. But remember that any colour can look elegant, it all depends on how you carry it off. Don't rule out any colour - including black - unless you don't like it. Look at some photos of celebrities' nails at events. They wear all colours, including black, green, and orange, and many of them still look elegant. Be Elegant Step 6: Use good perfume. You may not see when someone smells nice but it will form a certain picture in your mind. Leave a lasting impression by using a subtle perfume, applied correctly. Elegant top notes include scents like: Jasmine Rose Amber Be Elegant Step 7: Stand tall. Having good posture will go a long way towards being perceived as elegant. Work on your posture and make sure that you are standing nice and tall. This will also make you look thinner and curvier. Be Elegant Step 8 Wear nice clothes. Avoid clothes which look overly casual, dirty, stained, or ruined. Don't wear clothes that have holes or otherwise look distressed. Try to go out in nice - smart but simple- clothes when you run errands. Be Elegant Step 9: Wear classic cuts. Avoid trendy clothes like bell-bottom jeans or over-sized shoulder pads. Instead, opt for classic cuts on most items of clothing. This will keep you looking timelessly elegant. Knee length skirts with even hem lines, tailored button-down shirts in men's style, and knee-length trench coats are among a large number of classic cut items. Be Elegant Step 10: Wear clothes that fit. Make sure that the clothes you do have fit. They should not be too small (showing or creating bulges) or too large (hanging from your frame). Don't get married to a size, every time you try on new clothes, also try on a size up and a size down. Get items tailored, if you can, to ensure an even better fit. Be Elegant Step 11: Choose quality fabrics. Lean away from cheap acrylic material or cheap cotton and opt for clothing made from more luxurious materials. This will show and make your clothing look more expensive, even if it isn't. Silk, satin, modal, cashmere, Chantilly or other quality lace, many sheer fabrics, and limited velvet are all acceptable options. Thick materials that add bulk should usually be avoided, as these will detract from your smooth lines. Be Elegant Step 12: Choose high contrast or classic colors. When choosing colors, go for high contrast colors that are very light and dark compared to each other (red, white and black, for example). Classic neutral colors also work well (grey, beige, navy, plum, emerald green, champagne pink, etc. Other elegant color combinations include blue and gold, pink and white, and white and teal/seafoam. Be Elegant Step 13: Keep it simple. Keep your outfits simple: not too many accessories, not too many layers. Avoid patterns and pattern mixing. Don't get overly showy, either. Jewelry should be simple and should go with what you are wearing and doing. Don't wear anything that is too dressy for what you're doing: go for nice, but not unreasonable. For example, a cocktail dress is a bit much for going grocery shopping but a black or navy pencil skirt, a cream-colored sweater and brown jacket and boots are about right. Sweats would be the bad choice; too casual. Be Elegant Step 14: Keep it classy. Don't wear clothes that reveal too much skin, are too tight, or use materials which look low-class (leopard print, fuzzy materials, lamé, etc). Dressing this way can make you look cheap or like an escort. It will also make you look like you're trying too hard. Dress classy by following the advice above and avoiding these pitfalls, and you'll look elegant all the time. so girls now you are ready to keep rocking and slaying.....go ahead..... Happy day.
