Your child can do better than you, and what is that? Cook Here are the most independent dishes your child can learn to survive, or even fancy! Maybe its time we teach our boys to cook, since statistically its observed as our boys don’t learn to cook at all, and then depend on their future partners, but isn’t cooking a form of art? Something that everyone should know? Rather than giving it a stereotype of making round rotis, let’s make a habit to know to cook something atleast. So let us start with something Tasty, something delicious, but also something healthy! Fruit Bowl Ingredients – Fruits at your home cut into small pieces ( bananas, apples, grapes, chikoo, pineapple, blue berries, etc ( any chocolate powder you have at home ) Cereal ( cornflakes, muesli, oats, etc) dry fruits or peanut butter milk honey a bowl vanilla ice-cream Process – First take a bowl and assemble the cereal on one side of it over the other side assemble the fruits over it drizzle the milk season it with dry fruits a dollop of peanut butter and honey and a scoop of the mighty vanilla! And the yum bowl is ready! Banana PB&J Sandwiches Ingredients – Bread ( brown, white any- don’t be a breadist) Peanut Butter Jam Bananas sliced. Plate Process- In a plate assemble your bread slices, over one slice smother the delicious peanut butter, its healthy so the more, the better! And one the other slice assemble the cut banana pieces in a line , spread the fruity, loving sweet jam, let the flavour of fruit indulge and meet the bread, and let them unite! Voila , your sandwich is ready! Mac n Cheese ( with adult supervision) You will need, 200 gm cut macaroni-cooked bite like 2 tsp salt 1 tsp black pepper-freshly powdered 1 cup cheese-grated A few tomato slices for garnish For the white sauce: 2 cups milk 2 Tbsp maida 2 Tbsp butter And your hands, HAHAH GOTCHA Next you need to Step no 1 Melt the butter and add maida, saute till an aroma is released , add milk stirring all the time so that no lumps are formed Step no 2.Bring to a boil, add the salt and pepper and simmer for half a minute or so. Step no 3.Take it off the heat, mix in the macaroni and transfer on to a baking dish. Step no 4.Sprinkle the cheese to cover the mixture, garnish with the tomato slices and bake in a pre-heated oven for half an hour, or till cheese is slightly brown. And voila you are the next Italian Chef de tour! Enjoy your mac n cheese Do share you stories with us See you! Bon appetit