Pregnancy is the most amazing phase of a woman’s life. It is the time when you realize how powerful you are! It definitely is the time where you feel excited and nervous at the same time. A time when you feel happy and scared at the same time. No person in this world can guess even a 100th fraction of the thousands of thoughts that continuously runs in your mind. Sometimes you suddenly need a person who you can talk to, about all your worries, the very next moment you just want to be all on your own. Well I have just entered my third trimester and felt I have plethora of questions in my mind. Whosoever I talk to, has a different opinion altogether. You can’t talk to your doctor every time. Correct? And then someone suggested me this book and trust me 80% of my anxiety has gone away now ( I’m working on the rest though ?) I would recommend this book to all the supermoms out there!! Do trust me and try out this book. Online lovers can find it’s soft copy too and you can thank me later ☺️ Happy motherhood all the beautiful moms out there ??☺️ #pregnancy #motherhood #supermoms #whattoexpect #expectantmothers #dietsupplements
