An Invisible Enemy that has already taken so many innocent lives and so many people are still fighting it within themselves. Where nights are a wagon of pain, countless toss and turns but sleep fails to join, when the darkness of life becomes more visible in the dark.. People often want to detach themselves from the hustles of life and chooses to be silent. Their minds are constantly popping with thoughts which gradually becomes suicidal. Suffering from Depression is no joke. People going through depression fails to speak up their problems fearing the judgements they have to encounter. To go through depression is not a shame and it needs utmost attention like other health issues. Sadly, Mental Health issues lacks the much needed attention in our country. So let us take this initiative to stop judging others, stop comparing and start to lend our up.. speak up whatever is destroying our mental peace before this "enemy" swallows the entire mankind! Follow me on Instagram @kanika2184 for more..❤️