Thyoid - Dysfunction Now a days most of the generation suffering from a problem Due to overeactive or less active Thyroid gland . Thyroid gland is basically endocrine gland which produce T3 that is triiodothyronine , T4 Thyroxine and calcitonin hormones The main function of the T3 and T4 is maintaining body’s Basal Metabolic rate (BMI) that is the amount of energy per unite time a a person needs to keep functioning at rest and other functions also like protein synthesis , sexual behaviour etc and the function of calcitonin is maintaining calcium balance in body Basically problem develops when there is Hyperactivity or Hypoactivity of thyroid gland means more or less secretion of Thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) HYPERTHYROIDISM - Excess production of Thyroid hormones leads to hyperthyroidism It is due to any reason but most commonly due to Graves disease which is basically autoimmune disease which affects mostly women of 30 - 50 age others include Thyroid cancer , multinodular goiter etc Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism Hyperactivity •Irritability •Emotional lability •Heat intolerance & sweating •Palpitations •Fatigue & weakness •Weight loss with increased appetite •Diarrhea •Polyuria •Sexual dysfunction Treatment of Hyperthyroidism Mainly treatment is of antithyroid drugs which causes somehow reduction in Thyroid hormone Also radiation therapy can be used to treat hyperthyroidism Foods that are good for Hyperthyroidism Black tea Non ionised salt Nuts Vit D rich foods Hypothyroidism Less production of thyroid hormones are termed as Hypothyroidism Now a days most of the people are suffering from hypothyroidism mostly youngs it is due to hypo that is less active Thyroid gland . Thyroid is unable to produce enough T3 and T4 It is due to less iodine content in diet or autoimmune disease like Hashimoto thyroiditis Symptoms of Tiredness, •Dry skin Feeling cold, •Hair loss •Difficulty concentrating and poor memory •Constipation •Weight gain with poor appetite •Dyspnea •Hoarse voice •Menorrhagia •Paresthesia •Impaired hearing Treatment of Hypothyroidism Treatment is generally Providing Thyroid analogue from outside that is L Thyroxine Food that are good in Hypothyroidism Coconut oil Seaweeds Spinach Broccoli Strawberries Your doctor can diagnose hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism by testing the levels of thyroidhormones in your blood. The tests measure hormones from the thyroid itself, as well as thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), a chemical released by the pituitary gland that triggers your thyroid.
