Hello..guys it's your aniy..here..as all of us know..that..it's being a high time..for the covid-19. the virus already had spread all over world...China,Italy ,USA,.like countries are suffering..and had number of deaths. The g inovernment has already emphasized that it’s important for everyone to practice social distancing.so it's our responsibility to take precautions and proper care of yourself and your family ,Friends and society .The doctors are trying their best. so we just have to follow simple steps. for precautions. For your safety and others :- 1) wash your hand with hand wash.. or sanitise your hands frequently with alcohol sentizar. 2) While sneezing or coughing cover your mouth with mask. 3) Most easiest way to stop virus to stay at home for few days and work from home.pease avoid to visit public places like restaurants,malls, bars etc..and stay at home stay safe. Be responsible citizen. And we all can over come the virus share this as much as you can. #stayhomestaysafe
